Newborn Care Master Class
○ the situation
After the launch of my client’s Newborn Care business (Baby Bloom), she came back to me to discuss branding and creative services for her second venture: an online newborn care specialist education course.
Become NCMC Certified as a newborn care specialist.
● the solution
Newborn Care Master Class is a relatively long name, so we discussed shortening it to its acronym, thus becoming “NCMC.” Building off of her parent company, Baby Bloom, we wanted the overall look to not feel like too much of a departure, but to also still feel like its own entity. Frome there, I wanted all of the visuals to not only be representative of newborn care, but to also be able to connect with online education.
My role within this project:
Art Direction
Positioning and Creative Copywriting
◆ conclusion
Looking at the “Newborn Care Training” landscape as a whole, I discovered that everything looked pretty much the same. In creating this mark and brand, I feel as though I delivered a product that stands out from the competition, feeling youthful, modern, with a slight cool factor. The descending “n” and “m” symbolize a subtle nudge or embrace, giving top priority to the words “newborn” and “master.” The mark itself is in the shape of a seal, reaffirming the certification aspect of the brand.