
○ the situation

When our little ones are navigating the challenging teething phase, it can be an overwhelming experience for both babies and parents alike. From the constant drooling and painful biting to the screaming, tantrums, and fussing, teething IS tough. This is precisely where Bebsi steps in. Founded by two modern mommas who understand these struggles, Bebsi provides an innovative and stylish solution for babies and their parents to triumph over the challenges of teething. They approached us seeking inventive approaches to package and present their stylish range of teethers.

“Designed for kids with grown-up taste and a playful spirit.”

● the solution

With such a colorful, playful line of products, my goal was to echo that vibrancy through all facets of the brand, and since teething isn't fun, we wanted to make it fun. The logo was an existing asset when we first kicked off this project, so we kept that in center focus when building the visual language around it. The "crown" actually inspired alot of the copywriting, leading us to developing the tagline: "conquer teething," along with incorporating words like "triumph" and "victory" throughout the copywriting. Additionally, it became a centerpiece with one of the packaging concepts, becoming a wearable paper crown.


My role within this project:

  • Visual Language

  • Illustration

  • Creative copywriting

  • Packaging Design

  • UI Design

  • Photography Art Direction

◆ conclusion

We developed a fun and playful brand and custom packaging experience that is filled with personality and joy. The design allows the product to stand out against competitors, feeling very unique.


Alexander Appellate Law


Baby Bloom